Quote of the Week

Ice cream is exquisite. What a pity it isn’t illegal. ~Voltaire

Miracle Whip

So why is it called Miracle Whip?  It’s called this because the machine that Kraft used to whip the dressing up was called the miracle whip.  Miracle whip was first introduced by Kraft at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1933.  It was meant to be a less expensive alternative to mayo by mixing mayo with some other less expensive, yet still yummy ingredients.  Today the difference between store bought mayo and Miracle Whip is virtually nothing.  

Latin Saying about Bread

Duas tantum res anxius optat, Panem et circenses

Only two thing does he worry about, bread and circuses

Above is an excerpt from Satire X (ten) written by the Roman named Juvenal. Juvenal wrote a collection of satirical poems.  I believe that he was named from the root word of “juvenile” meaning young.  In other words, I don’t believe that we get the word juvenile from his name. 

Bread and circuses is a phrase dating back to the Roman Empire.  At times there would be significant economic stagnation; leaving nearly half the population unemployed.  To quell the potential for a revolt it was common knowledge amongst the nobles that they must keep the people fed and entertained – bread and circuses.  




Since my dog’s name is Cheddar I will do a little blurb of the etymology of his name.  There exists in England a town named Cheddar.  The word comes from old English ceodre meaning ravine, and there does happen to be one of those near the town.  About 6,000 people can say they live in Cheddar.  Britain’s oldest complete human skeleton is known as “Cheddar man” was also found in this town.

Cheddar or “chedda” can also be used as a slang term for money.  

Quote of the Week

Más vale atole con risas que chocolate con lágrimas

Spanish saying


When I look up the etymology of paneer – a delicious cheese, I find that the word itself means cheese in Persian and Hindi.  So I am guessing it is a little bit like ‘salsa’ which merely means ‘sauce’ in spanish.  We associate the word with the particular foodstuff of that region, not really understanding that the word has a broader meaning to the natives.  


Rhubarb breaks down into rhu which was the ancient name for the River Volga and barb meaning foreign.  Rhubarb was originally from China and Tibet and across the River Volga.  Previously it had been foreign to Europeans.  The woman’s name Barbara also shares the same root and also means foreigner.  

Turnspit Dogs

There once was a breed of dog known as the turnspit.  And amazingly the dog did just as his name implied – he turned the spit.  In large British kitchens, before machinery was available, there were dogs in oversized hamster wheels that turned the spit over the fire. 

And really I can’t tell the story better than NPR, so here is the link…




Why is it called a grapefruit?  There is no immediate resemblance between a grape and a grapefruit.  The most common theory is that it in allusion to the way the fruit grows in clusters on the tree, resembling grapes.  This is not what seems like the most likely theory to me.  Another, less popular, but my favored theory is that the name comes from its scientific moniker.  Citrus grandis translates to great citrus or great fruit.  So perhaps, the grapefruit was called the greatfruit.  This indeed would be a good name for this giant breakfast orange.  

But we all know that language is formed between the constraints of the lazy tongue and the strained ears so perhaps we started calling it grapefruit for the of ease of the tongue and the misinterpretation of the ears.  

Quote of the Week

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” 
― Charles M. Schulz

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